Attention Real Estate Syndicators & Fund Managers:

Dominate The Downturn at

The Capital Raising Summit!

Discover How To Attract Investors and Raise Capital At

The Ultimate Capital Raising, Ai Marketing, & Networking Conference

  Watch This Video First! (Audio On!)

 Connect, Mastermind, & Joint Venture

Discover The Best Marketing Strategies

September 19 - 21, 2024

 Houston, Texas

Real Estate Syndicators & Fund Managers...

You're Invited To The Capital Raising Event Of The Year!

 Join The Nation's Top 200 Real Estate Syndicators, Fund Managers & Capital Raisers

For Three Days Of Capital Raising & Ai Marketing Training!

Dominate The Downturn

Master The Capital Raising Game With Pros

Who, Together, Have Raised Over $1B Dollars:

  • How accredited investors vet operators and deals before they invest

  • How to properly position yourself and your deals to be irresistible to investors

  • Why even great deals with high potential often don’t get funded

  • ​Why raising capital is part art and part science and how to master both aspects

  • ​Strategies and tactics for commercial, multi-family, development deals and more

Learn the game from people who have collectively raised hundreds of millions of dollars

and be ready to apply their tried and true strategies right away for your own deals!

Attention Real Estate Syndicators & Fund Managers:

Dominate The Downturn at

The Capital Raising Summit!

Discover How To Attract Investors and Raise Capital

At The Ultimate Capital Raising, Ai Marketing, & Networking Conference

  Watch This Video First! (Audio On!)

 Connect, Mastermind, & Joint Venture

Discover The Best Marketing Strategies

September 19 - 21, 2024

 Houston, Texas

Real Estate Syndicators & Fund Managers...

You're Invited To The Capital Raising

& Ai Marketing Event Of The Year!

 Join The Nation's Top 200 Real Estate Syndicators,

Fund Managers & Capital Raisers For Three Days Of

Capital Raising & Ai Marketing Training!

Dominate The Downturn

Master The Capital Raising & Ai Marketing Game With Pros Who, Together, Have Raised Over $1B Dollars:

  • How accredited investors vet operators and deals before they invest

  • How to properly position yourself and your deals to be irresistible to investors

  • Why even great deals with high potential often don’t get funded

  • ​Why raising capital is part art and part science and how to master both aspects

  • ​Strategies and tactics for commercial, multi-family, development deals and more

Learn the game from people who have collectively raised hundreds of millions of dollars and be ready

to apply their tried and true strategies right away

for your own deals!

Our "Billion Dollar" All-Star Speaker Lineup!

Our "Billion Dollar"

All-Star Speaker Lineup!

Discover How, Collectively, Our Speakers Have Raised Billion$

Of Private Capital For Real Estate Syndications & Funds

Discover How, Collectively, Our Speakers Have Raised Billion$ Of Private Capital For Real Estate Syndications & Funds

Enjoy Unprecedented Collaboration & Networking Opportunities

At the Capital Raising Summit you won’t just watch trainers lecture from the stage . . .
With our unique “Round Table” method, you’ll spend quality time in small groups with all our expert trainers!

You’ll discuss every angle of raising money, from positioning yourself as a thought leader to perfecting the way you present yourself to investors and from building investor networks to promoting your deals effectively.

Plus, enjoy multiple opportunities to network with other syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers where you’ll expand your connections to capital and learn exactly what’s working best for others who are raising money for their projects.

This hands-on training lets you put what you learn into action with direct support from the experienced and successful syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers who have done it before, so you can leave the Summit confidently able to:

  • Structure your pitch and presentation to get a “yes”

  • Build investor lists and promote yourself efficiently and effectively

  • Generate investor networks without the drudgery of cold calling

  • ​Create an active or passive role for investors in your projects

  • ​Be effective at raising millions of dollar for your projects

Master Your Pitch & Presentation To Attract Money For Your Projects

This is the magical environment you’ve always heard about and wished you could participate in, where . . .

  • Masters of capital raising & Ai marketing share their top strategies for bringing in big bucks

  • The secrets to successfully pitching multi-million dollar deals are revealed

  • You get the winning formulas for successfully presenting opportunities

You’ll be in a room with a BILLION dollars worth of deal making power players where you’ll discover how to. . .

  • Generate a list of 1,000+ potential investors for your deals

  • Get investors to find you and your deals instead of chasing them!

  • Generate investor leads without cold calling

  • ​Learn how investors discuss, assess and rate opportunities

Plus, learn the rules, shortcuts and power moves used by the world’s most successful capital raisers to get their projects funded. Whether you’re doing commercial deals, wholesaling, multi-family, retail, office or development deals, you’ll leave with the top fund raising strategies, tactics and surefire methods that bring in millions of dollars, including:

  • How investors really assess people, analyze deals and make funding decisions

  • How to properly position yourself and your team to be irresistible to investors

  • Discovering the “stress free” method to generate investor lists

  • ​Why even great deals with high potential often don’t get funded

  • ​Why raising capital is part art and part science and how to master both aspects

  • ​Strategies and tactics for commercial, multi-family, development deals and more

You’ll never find a better opportunity to immerse yourself in the environment of big money,

big deals and big opportunities and learn the game from some of the world’s

most esteemed syndicators, fund managers and deal makers!

Enjoy Unprecedented Collaboration & Networking Opportunities

At the Capital Raising Summit you won’t just watch trainers lecture from the stage . . .
With our unique “Round Table” method, you’ll spend quality time in small groups with all our expert trainers!

You’ll discuss every angle of raising money, from positioning yourself as a thought leader to perfecting the way you present yourself to investors and from building investor networks to promoting your deals effectively.

Plus, enjoy multiple opportunities to network with other syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers where you’ll expand your connections to capital and learn exactly what’s working best for others who are raising money for their projects.

This hands-on training lets you put what you learn into action with direct support from the experienced and successful syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers who have done it before, so you can leave the Summit confidently able to:

  • Structure your pitch and presentation to get a “yes”

  • Build investor lists and promote yourself efficiently and effectively

  • Generate investor networks without the drudgery of cold calling

  • ​Create an active or passive role for investors in your projects

  • ​Be effective at raising millions of dollar for your projects

Master Your Pitch & Presentation To Attract Money For Your Projects

This is the magical environment you’ve always heard about and wished you could participate in, where . . .

  • Masters of capital raising share their top strategies for bringing in big bucks

  • The secrets to successfully pitching multi-million dollar deals are revealed

  • You get the winning formulas for successfully presenting opportunities

You’ll be in a room with a BILLION dollars worth of deal making power players where you’ll discover how to. . .

  • Generate a list of 1,000+ potential investors for your deals

  • Get investors to find you and your deals instead of chasing them!

  • Generate investor leads without cold calling

  • ​Learn how investors discuss, assess and rate opportunities

Plus, learn the rules, shortcuts and power moves used by the world’s most successful capital raisers to get their projects funded. Whether you’re doing commercial deals, wholesaling, multi-family, retail, office or development deals, you’ll leave with the top fund raising strategies, tactics and surefire methods that bring in millions of dollars, including:

  • How investors really assess people, analyze deals and make funding decisions

  • How to properly position yourself and your team to be irresistible to investors

  • Discovering the “stress free” method to generate investor lists

  • ​Why even great deals with high potential often don’t get funded

  • ​Why raising capital is part art and part science and how to master both aspects

  • ​Strategies and tactics for commercial, multi-family, development deals and more

You’ll never find a better opportunity to immerse yourself in the environment of big money, big deals and big opportunities and learn the game from some of the world’s most esteemed syndicators, fund managers and deal makers!

Master Your Marketing & Positioning To Build A Powerful Investor List

Get an insider’s view of how the industry’s biggest mover and shakers create large lists of “go-to” investors to fund their deals,

all without cold calling or giving up too much to get the funding, including:

  • Positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your real estate niche

  • Branding yourself or your company as true experts in your niche

  • Generating a highly engaged community of interested investors

  • Creating trusted personal relationships with potential investors

  • Using social media effectively to expand your reach as an expert

  • ​Amplifying your reach by creating your own speaking platform

  • ​Amplifying your reach by speaking on others’ platforms

  • ​Developing a foolproof system for qualifying investor leads

  • ​Creating educational materials to attract potential investors

  • ​Nurture leads and relationships and convert them to investors

If you’re an investor looking to position yourself as a thought leader,

attract investors without cold calling and expand your presence, the

Capital Raising Summit is the place to make it happen!

Master Your Marketing & Positioning

To Build A Powerful Investor List

Get an insider’s view of how the industry’s biggest mover and shakers create large lists of “go-to” investors to fund their deals, all without cold calling or giving up too much to get the funding, including:

  • Positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your real estate niche

  • Branding yourself or your company as true experts in your niche

  • Generating a highly engaged community of interested investors

  • Creating trusted personal relationships with potential investors

  • Using social media effectively to expand your reach as an expert

  • ​Amplifying your reach by creating your own speaking platform

  • ​Amplifying your reach by speaking on others’ platforms

  • ​Developing a foolproof system for qualifying investor leads

  • ​Creating educational materials to attract potential investors

  • ​Nurture leads and relationships and convert them to investors

If you’re an investor looking to position yourself as a thought leader, attract investors without cold calling and expand your presence, the Capital Raising

& Ai Marketing Summit is the place to make it happen!

Hear the Buzz:

Why They Can't Stop Talking About Us...

Join The Nation's Top 200 Real Estate Syndicators, Fund Managers and & Capital Raisers For Three Days Of Training, Networking & Deal Making!

Learn The Funding Game

From Pros Who Have Raised 100’s of Millions of Dollars!

Enjoy “Round Table” Collaboration & Networking

Get unprecedented access to our capital raising trainers and network with other syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers!

Master Your Pitch & Presentation To Attract Money For Your Projects

Generate networks of thousands of investors stress-free!

Master Your Marketing & Positioning To Get A “YES!”

Grow your network of investors and present yourself, your team and your projects to get big money!

Hear the Buzz:

Why They Can't Stop Talking About Us...

Join The Nation's Top 200 Real Estate Syndicators, Fund Managers and & Capital Raisers For Three Days Of Training, Networking & Deal Making!

Learn The Funding Game

From Pros Who Have Raised 100’s of Millions of Dollars!

Enjoy “Round Table” Collaboration & Networking

Get unprecedented access to our capital raising trainers and network with other syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers!

Master Your Pitch & Presentation To Attract Money For Your Projects

Generate networks of thousands of investors stress-free!

Master Your Marketing & Positioning To Get A “YES!”

Grow your network of investors and present yourself, your team and your projects to get big money!

Hear the Buzz:

Why Attendees Can't Stop Talking About Us...

Join The Nation's Top 300 Real Estate Syndicators, Fund Managers and & Capital Raisers For Three Days Of Training, Networking & Deal Making!

Learn The Funding Game

From Pros Who Have Raised 100’s of Millions of Dollars!

Enjoy “Round Table” Collaboration & Networking

Get unprecedented access to our capital raising trainers and network with other syndicators, fund managers and capital raisers!

Master Your Pitch & Presentation To Attract Money For Your Projects

Generate networks of thousands of investors stress-free!

Master Your Marketing & Positioning To Get A “YES!”

Grow your network of investors and present yourself, your team and your projects to get big money!

Additional Benefits of Attending

The Capital Raising Conference

Meet & Network

Meet and network with the nation's top capital raisers

& Ai marketers.


Mastermind to what's working best right now for other capital raisers.

$100M Mindset

Discover the mindset of a $100M+ capital raisers. Learn how they easily raise hundreds of millions while others struggle.

Raise Money

Learn the best strategies that these $100M+ capital raisers are using right now in their business.

Smart Money

How to tap into a secret network institutional money with virtually unlimited amount of capital ready to deploy.

Dumb Money

How to tap into into affluent networks of smart people with lots of "dumb money"


How to brand and market yourself to attract big money chasing you instead you chasing for money.

2024 Market Outlook

Learn how to adapt quickly in this rapidly changing market and how to position yourself to take advantage of it.

Who Should Attend

The Capital Raising Summit?

  • Real estate Syndicators & Fund Managers looking to expand their networks, learn to raise capital for projects and scale into larger deals

  • Real estate Syndicators & Fund Managers with deals done in commercial, multi-family, office, retail, industrial and other projects, who are looking to expand their investor networks by positioning themselves as experts and thought leaders in their niches

  • Real estate Syndicators & Fund Managers who want to expand their networks of investors without the stress of cold-calling and promote deals to a wide audience by creating their own stages and speaking on others’ stages

  • ​Syndicators & Fund Managers interested in learning tried and true practices for marketing themselves and their projects in order to expand deal making capacities and raise large amounts of capital for bigger projects with high upside potential

Additional Benefits of Attending

The Capital Raising Conference

Meet & Network

Meet and network with the nation's top

capital raisers & Ai marketers.


Mastermind to what's working best right now for other capital raisers.

$100M Mindset

Discover the mindset of a $100M+ capital raisers. Learn how they easily raise hundreds of millions while others struggle.

Raise Money

Learn the best strategies that these $100M+ capital raisers are using right now in their business.

Smart Money

How to tap into a secret network institutional money with virtually unlimited amount of capital ready to deploy.

Dumb Money

How to tap into into affluent networks of smart people with lots of "dumb money"


How to brand and market yourself to attract big money chasing you instead you chasing for money.

2024 Market Outlook

Learn how to adapt quickly in this rapidly changing market and how to position yourself to take advantage of it.

Who Should Attend

The Capital Raising Summit?